Eye tests, including diabetic & glaucoma screening
Most opticians recommend that you have your eyes examined at least every two years to ensure that you catch any possible problems in their infancy. We offer you comprehensive eye tests and eye care examinations, using the very latest techniques and technologies to ensure you receive truly superb service and the correct prescriptions where necessary.
Our eye tests check for glaucoma, diabetes and hypertension, ensuring that not only your eyesight but the overall health of your eyes are checked.
Our highly trained optometrists provide friendly professional eye care for clients of all ages.
Free eye care
Who could be entitled to a free eye test?
Under 16s
Under 19s in full time education
Over 60s
People (or partners of people) who receive certain benefits
Holders (or partners of holders) of a HC2 certificate
People with a complex prescription
People diagnosed diabetic or with glaucoma
People aged 40 or over who are related to a glaucoma patient
Frame & lens supplier
A professional optometrist is trained not only to test your sight but also to spot any eye problems and treat any eye infections. We also offer a wide range of products including contact lenses, glasses and sunglasses. If you notice any changes to your eyes or in your eyesight, contact us as soon as possible. We cover clients from across the Provence and beyond.